Friday 7 November 2014

3D initial work on the stand 6/10/14

Following the secondary research of Barbra Hepworth and Henry Moore, three pictures were chosen from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in order to create some initial design work and models on the stand.
The following pictures stood out as being inspirational due to the shapes within the sculptures, which could then be transformed into a fashion accessory or garment.
Tread Pad Pair 1 by James Capper
Lower Park by Oppenheim
by Serge Spitzer

The task required the class to work with different materials such as card, bubble wrap, masking tape and sellotape. In order to produce 3D shapes on the mannequin inspired by our chosen images. 
This task was very challenging and required thinking in a different way than previous 2D fashion work. The pictures had to be seen through different eyes taking inspiration from shape in a 3D form rather than inspiration from colour or trends. It was difficult to do this when being used to one way of working.

Experimenting with the materials produced shapes and effects such as the coiled look of Spitzer’s sculpture and the pyramid shape of the Cascade Bridge. These were collaborated to produce the bodice shown below. 
- The fanned front created from cardboard taken from the Oppenheim sculpture with various objects on different stands/poles.
- The cones at the back wait developed from the pyramid shapes on the Tread Pad sculpture. Cones being a simpler shape to create.
- The spiralled detail around the top of the bodice taken from the Spitzer sculpture with the coiled metal.
Although the bodice was produced with inspiration from 3D sculptures the final design wasn’t elaborate enough to be used on the catwalk to accompany a final strapless bodice. Further design work was produced to build upon original ideas.

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