Working towards the final bodice design 3D structures were made in order to see how they may be constructed. Looking at the scale of the shoulder piece and the centre geometric panel. These two elements will later be experimented with in the 3D design workshop in order to get a more professional finish and using materials more suited to the final bodice.
Firstly rubber tubing was used to create a structure for the centre panel. Measuring on the mannequin it was decided the 3D panel would be 7cm in width. Sitting neatly between the bust and being a realistic width to achieve in such detail. The tubing was taped to card as it wasn't as stiff as wanted. However for the final bodice the centre panel will be a separate structure which will then be inserted into the neoprene bodice. The tubing was arranged onto the card and taped using masking tape. Blue tack was also used to secure the standing tubes which come together at a point creating the pyramid shape. Which is replicated on the shoulder piece.
The structure was then placed onto the mannequin in order to see how it would look on the bodice and how far away from the body it will stand. The pictures below show how the structure looked.

A second structure was made trialing a smaller structure and one using thinner tubing. This is shown in the images below.
For the final design the tubing will be thinner giving a more delicate intricate look.

As well as this a half scale cardboard structure was made of the shoulder piece. In order to gain a clearer understanding of the size of the final piece and what measurements will be needed going forward. Using a tape measure full scale measurements were taken as to how tall the point should be off the shoulder and how far down the arm the lower shape should be. The shape were then drawn on card, cut and taped together with masking tape. Pinning it to a half scale mannequin therefore allowing pictures to be taken and a clearer image to be seen of how the piece will look. Also looking at how the shoulder piece will be built with support so that it sits on the shoulder without movement.
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