Friday, 7 November 2014

Developing my chosen design 7/10/14

The above design was chosen due to its abstract shape. The structure will bring a bold statement when taken to the catwalk due to being worn on the shoulder and standing close to the face, the place where eyes are usually drawn to. 
Working out how to make the structure stand on the shoulder was the first step. Online research was undertook to find images of similar structures of which could be the basics of my design. Ice hockey safety wear and police gun holsters were just some of the techniques found. 
Experimenting on the stand a base for the polyhedron shapes was made. This is not the final base however a good starting idea.
One idea was that a cross body strap could be worn holding the shoulder piece. However this would have to be incorporated into the bodice design somehow as a cross body strap may look out of place with a strapless couture bodice. 
The top image shows a structure formed of a hinged design. It was an idea that the points of the polyhedron covering the arm could be joined allowing movement. Meaning the shoulder piece would not restrict body movement.
These basic principles have still yet to be developed and built upon however to do this the next move will be to construct the full design in paper before choosing the most appropriate materials.

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